Version 7



    The objetive of this add-on is to provide notifications about user's anniversaries like facebook does for birthdays. This addon is available through the community as a tile.


    See how it looks like at:




    • Admin connects/installs the addon throw the admin console
    • Admin can define all the custom date field to were to hook the tile. I.e. User Birthday, Member since, etc. There are radio buttons with all available fields
    • Basically every single basic or custom field (in the user profile) where the type is a date could be used (defined by the admin) with the tile as an aniversary
    • Every day, the user will be notified (in news page) about all today's anniversaries
    • The info, for every anniversary is:
      • Display name. As a link
      • Avatar
      • Period of time
    • By hovering on some username link, the app displays the user profile card
      • The logged user can send a direct message or follow to the other user




    • Login as admin and go to Add-Ons in user menu
    • Upload the addon


    • Go to manage the News page and add the anniversary tile

    • Finally select the profile field which you want to show all next anniversaries

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