Version 3

    This is an optional feature that only works if the Required values are configured.


    What is a build version

    Products usually contains a unique version that distinguish each build, sometimes it is a datetime like: MyAppTimestamp or MyAppCommitHash, etc. This is a unique value that identifies the product build.

    Notice this is not v1.0, v1.1. It is a more  detailed value that identifies every build you create for your product.


    How it works

    1. Get your product (app) working, let's say it is build version: v1.132.1232131243
    2. Run Selenium test
    3. Let's say test1 has failed
    4. Retry Selenium test
    5. Let's say test1 has passed
    6. Retry Selenium test
    7. Let's say test1 has failed


    t-Triage will AutoTriage test1 since the Engine considers the test has passed at least once on the product and the failure is due to a flaky test.

    Notice if the product build version changes, then this rule doesn't apply.


    CI Configuration

    On your Jenkins, Bamboo, etc. publish your product version (max. 255 chars) in some URL like:

    Get sure this value is refreshed every time you update your product version.




    t-Triage Configuration

    Admin Panel > Container > Indicate URL that provides the product version (max 256 chars)


    If you have any doubts on how t-Triage read the value, just go to: Triage > Click on a Test Suite > Summary and you'll see the build id.