Version 6

    In order to facilitate the import of your test results. We have created a suite of tests that perform this work. Those test are in our public GIT repository: Bitbucket


    How to set up Bamboo

    Follow the following steps



    1. Navigate to your Bamboo and create a new Plan into a project, linking it to our qa-reports-pipeline-tests branch master.

    • Bitbucket Cloud
    • Display name: give the name you want to reference internally in Bamboo
    • Repository access: pick "Public"
    • Owner: ttriage
    • Repository: wait for open repositories items to show up and pick qa-reports-pipeline-tests from the drop-down
    • Branch: master
    • Check connection to make sure that everything is well


    bamboo plan config[click on the image to expand]



    Once your plan was configured, you'll need to configure the job. At this point you are seeing a page similar like this:

    bamboo_job_config[click on the image to expand]


    One of the tasks presents as default is the one that makes a checkout to the branch you set in the previous step.


    2. Create a Maven task


    The version of Maven you have to use in your Bamboo tasks should be 3.5.x or higher.

    Why? There is a known issue present in previous versions of Maven and Surefire plugin that could cause the t-Triage integration does not work.


    In order to push your tests results, it's necessary to create new Maven task

    • Click on "Add task"
    • Look for a Maven configuration
    • Executable: pick a Maven executable from the drop-down. If you need to define a new executable capability, follow this Documentation. Take care to use mvn v3.5.x or high.
    • Goals and options: clean compile test










      • Follow this document How-To: Push Bamboo results to tTriage if you want to know all available parameters.
      • Note: <YOUR_BAMBOO_PROJECTS>  could be comma separated. Ie: Deploy, "Bamboo Jobs",Others
      • Sample config goal:

    clean compile test










    Note: Make sure to get the proper clientId and secretId: How-To: Pull / Push configuration

    In order to not expose any user credential, you probably should ask Bamboo's admin to create a generic one with read-only permissions to parametrize in the Maven goal.

    Users and permissions - Atlassian Documentation


    The Maven job config should look like this:

    maven_job_config[click on the image to expand]



    CI artifacts and reports see: HOW-TO: Configure artifacts in CI tool



    Copyright (c) 2019, Clarolab. All rights reserved.