Version 5

    The app performs a PULL automatically every certain period of time, however you can perform a PUSH from Bamboo by using the following method:


    The goal of this test is to be used as the last step in a pipeline in order to push test results and validate if all suites in a container are triaged.

    • Server: The server parameters (default port is 8080) and the path (if it applies. The default is /)
      • qe.server.url
      • qe.server.port
      • qe.server.path
    • Authorization: You need to ask for the ClientId and SecretId of your connector. How-To: Pull / Push configuration
      • qe.server.clientId
      • qe.server.secretId
    • Target: The targets are the container, executor or product to validate.
      • If you need to push test result you need to run:
        • qe.test.views i.e: Deploy,Test,ETC (you can set multiple view, coma separated. The view by default is All)

                        Choose the CI that you're using:

        • test=JenkinsPushTestSuite


        • test=BambooPushTestSuite
      • If you need to validate the triage result
        • qe.test.containerid
        • qe.test.executorid
        • qe.test.productid
        • test=com.clarolab.pipeline.test.[PipelineContainerAPITest | PipelineExecutorAPITest | PipelineProductAPITest]
    • Bamboo CI: The Bamboo server where tests are running.
      • qe.bamboo.url
      • qe.bamboo.username
      • qe.bamboo.token
    • qe.test.timeoutThe amount of milliseconds to wait if the triage is not done. By default it's 30secs
    • qe.test.repeatThe amount of retries. By default it's 5 times


    Note: you can push the result and validate if the triage is completely done and your product is ready to deploy


    Copyright (c) 2019, Clarolab. All rights reserved.