Version 4

    Testing Instructions

    This document has the purpose of evaluating testing skills. It contains instructions to install and test the products we are using.

    Questions and comments to:


    General Information

    Company Link:

    Product: Clearspace / Jive Engage


    Information about QA:


    Installation instructions

    Download and Install Tomcat 6 (stable version)

    Download and Install Postgres (stable version)

    Download and Install Java 1.6 ( > Download Java SE > JDK 6)

    Download the files located in:


    Set your Operating System variable JAVA_HOME to the JDK 6 based directory (for example: c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_03\)


    Clearspace Basic Setup

    1. Create a postgres database

    2. Copy the file clearspace.war to the tomcat/webapps directory

    3. Copy the file postgresql-8.3-603.jdbc4.jar to tomcat\lib\

    4. Uncompress the file in any place (for example: c:\jiveHome)

    5. Startup Tomcat (tomcat\bin\startup)

    6. Go to http://localhost:8080/clearspace

    7. Fill in the jiveHome directory (for example c:\jiveHome)

    8. Chose Standard Database Connection

    9. Database Settings:

      1. JDBC Driver Class: org.postgresql.Driver

      2. Database URL: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/DATABASE_CREATED

      3. Username: postgres

      4. Password: the one set during the installation

      5. Press Test Connection and then Continue

    10. Default user settings

    11. Skip Document Sharing Setup

    12. Usage Statistics > Continue

    13. Other Settings > Continue

    14. Admin Account Setup > Skip This Step

    15. Stop Tomcat

    16. Start Tomcat


    Login the admin console


    Website URL: http://localhost:8080/clearspace/

    It is recommended to create as many users as needed avoiding the usage of the admin user.


    Testing Areas

    This section contains 4 different areas of testing to be carried out.


    A. Perform an exploratory testing on the following areas:
    1. Documents, Blogs and Discussions > View as PDF

    2. Rich Text Editor (New > Document > Chose a space). Use different format and colors to see if the rich text editor is working fine.

    3. User Profile

    If you see any error, please report them as explained below at Bug Reporting.


    B. Verify the following issues to see if they are still happening or not:

    1. CS-4021

    2. CS-3053

    3. CS-2393

    4. CS-3579

    5. CS-4041


    C. Write Test Cases associated to the Announcement feature.

    Login to URL: http://localhost:8080/clearspace/ with admin / admin

    Identify the announcement functionality and write test cases about it. Please include positive and negative test cases.

    For each test case specify: priority, title, steps / expected results.


    D. This exercise is optional: Test openfire – Clearspace connection
    1. Install/Start Clearspace

      1. Create testuser1 and testuser2

      2. Login as testuser1 and create a document

      3. Login as testuser1 and create a discussion

      4. In the admin console, enable real-time options

    2. Download Openfire and Spark from:

    3. Install and Run Openfire

      1. Once installed, go to the admin console http://localhost:9090/ (admin / admin) to configure Openfire

      2. In the “Profile Settings” step, select Clearspace Integration

      3. Complete the installation

    4. Install and Open Spark

      1. Install Spark

      2. Open Spark

      3. Login as username: testuser1 password: the same than in Clearspace. Server: localhost

    5. Go to Clearspace

      1. Login with any user

      2. Validate if bullet next to testuser1 is in green (user is available)

    6. Capture a screenshot of the Clearspace Main page.


    Bug Reporting

    If you found any bug or improvement during the testing, they could be reported whether in English or Spanish language. Use the following guideline to report the bugs.

    • Title: describe the broken functionality.

    • Description: provide information relating to the issue, error logs, tomcat logs, urls, steps to reproduce the issue, etc.

    • Acceptance Test: When the issue is fixed, provide the steps to ensure that the error is no longer occurring.

    • Screenshots: Include screenshots to explain the issue better

    Make at least 2 reports.



    After completing all the exercises, you may have produced the following documents:

    1. Bug Reports for the section A

    2. Comments on each issue in B. The comments could be a bug report or an explanation of how each issue behaved.

    3. An excel sheet with the Announcement functionality.

    4. If you have done step D, include some screenshots